Be Somebody Who Makes Everybody Feel Like A Somebody Author

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Be Somebody Who Makes Everybody Feel Like A Somebody Author

Have you ever heard the phrase, "treat others the way you want to be treated"? This statement is a simple yet powerful message that can create a significant impact on people’s lives. Making people feel valued and appreciated is a fundamental human need, and it doesn’t take much effort to do so.

As an author, you have the power to influence people’s lives through your words. You have the ability to make people feel seen, heard, and understood. But, how can you make everybody feel like a somebody? In this article, we will discuss some tips to help you become an author who makes everybody feel like a somebody.

Understand the power of your words

Words are powerful, and as an author, you understand that better than anyone. The words you choose to use can either lift people up or bring them down. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand the impact your words can have on people’s lives.

Your words can make people feel seen, heard, and understood. They can also inspire people to change their lives for the better. As an author, you have the responsibility to use your words to create a positive impact on people’s lives.

Embrace diversity

Diversity is what makes our world beautiful. Embracing diversity means acknowledging and respecting people’s differences. As an author, you have the power to embrace diversity by creating characters that represent different races, cultures, religions, and genders.

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By embracing diversity in your writing, you can make readers feel like they belong, regardless of their background. This can create a sense of belonging and inclusivity that can significantly impact people’s lives.

Be empathetic

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. As an author, you can use empathy to create characters that resonate with your readers. By being empathetic, you can create stories that touch people’s hearts and make them feel like they are not alone.

Incorporating empathy in your writing can also help you connect with your readers on a deeper level. It can create a bond of trust and understanding that can last a lifetime.

Listen to your readers

Listening to your readers can be a valuable tool in making them feel like a somebody. By listening to their feedback, you can understand what they want and need from your writing. You can also learn about their struggles and challenges, which can help you create stories that resonate with them.

By listening to your readers, you can create a sense of community and belonging that can significantly impact people’s lives.

Create relatable characters

Creating relatable characters can help readers see themselves in your writing. By creating characters that have flaws, struggles, and challenges, you can make readers feel like they are not alone in their journey.

Relatable characters can also help readers learn from your writing. They can see how the characters overcome their challenges and apply those lessons to their own lives.

Use your platform for good

As an author, you have a platform that can be used for good. You can use your writing to raise awareness about social issues and create positive change in the world.

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By using your platform for good, you can inspire others to do the same. You can create a ripple effect that can impact people’s lives in ways you never thought possible.


Becoming an author who makes everybody feel like a somebody is not about achieving fame or fortune. It’s about using your words to create a positive impact on people’s lives. By embracing diversity, being empathetic, listening to your readers, creating relatable characters, and using your platform for good, you can become an author who changes the world, one word at a time.


Q: How can I embrace diversity in my writing?
A: Embracing diversity means acknowledging and respecting people’s differences. You can do this by creating characters that represent different races, cultures, religions, and genders.

Q: Why is empathy important in writing?
A: Empathy is important in writing because it can help you create stories that touch people’s hearts and make them feel like they are not alone.

Q: How can I listen to my readers?
A: You can listen to your readers by asking for feedback, engaging with them on social media, and attending book events where you can meet your readers in person.

Q: How can I use my platform for good?
A: You can use your platform for good by raising awareness about social issues and creating positive change in the world through your writing.

Q: Why is it important to create relatable characters?
A: Creating relatable characters can help readers see themselves in your writing and learn from the characters’ struggles and challenges.

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