Who Generally Makes Commercials

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Who Generally Makes Commercials: The Inside Scoop

If you’ve ever watched TV or scrolled through social media, you’ve likely come across a variety of commercials. From funny skits to tear-jerking stories, commercials come in all shapes and sizes. But have you ever wondered who creates these ads? Who comes up with the ideas, writes the scripts, and directs the actors? In this article, we’ll delve into the world of commercial production and explore the different roles involved in bringing these ads to life.

Introduction to Commercial Production

Before we dive into the specifics of who makes commercials, let’s take a step back and look at the process of commercial production as a whole. At its core, commercial production is all about creating an advertisement that effectively promotes a product or service. This involves a team of professionals working together to come up with a concept, write a script, cast actors, shoot the ad, and edit the footage into a final product.

While this may sound simple enough, commercial production can be a complex and time-consuming process. It requires a great deal of creativity, attention to detail, and coordination between team members. Additionally, it often involves working within specific time and budget constraints, which can add an extra layer of pressure to the process.

The Creative Team

At the heart of any commercial production is the creative team. This group is responsible for coming up with the initial concept for the ad, as well as writing the script and overseeing the production process. The team typically includes a creative director, copywriter, and art director.

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The creative director is the head of the team and is responsible for overseeing the entire creative process, from concept development to final production. They work closely with the copywriter and art director to ensure that the ad meets the client’s needs and effectively promotes the product or service.

The copywriter is responsible for writing the script for the ad. This involves coming up with a catchy tagline, writing dialogue for any actors, and creating a compelling story that effectively promotes the product.

The art director is responsible for the visual aspects of the ad. This includes creating storyboards, selecting props and costumes, and working with the director to ensure that the ad looks visually appealing.

The Production Team

Once the creative team has come up with the concept and written the script, it’s time to move on to the production phase. This involves assembling a team of professionals to shoot and edit the ad. The production team typically includes a director, cinematographer, and editor.

The director is responsible for overseeing the entire production process, from casting actors to directing the shoot. They work closely with the cinematographer to ensure that the visuals match the script and the overall tone of the ad.

The cinematographer, also known as the director of photography, is responsible for capturing the visuals of the ad. This includes selecting the camera angles, framing the shots, and working with the director to ensure that the visuals match the script.

The editor is responsible for taking all of the footage captured during the shoot and turning it into a final product. This involves cutting and splicing the footage together, adding music and sound effects, and ensuring that the ad effectively promotes the product or service.

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Other Roles

While the creative and production teams are the main players in commercial production, there are also a variety of other roles involved in bringing these ads to life. These roles may include casting directors, set designers, makeup artists, and costume designers.

The casting director is responsible for selecting the actors who will appear in the ad. This involves holding auditions, reviewing headshots and resumes, and working with the director to ensure that the actors match the vision for the ad.

The set designer is responsible for creating the environment in which the ad is shot. This includes selecting the location, designing the set, and ensuring that the props and decorations match the overall tone of the ad.

The makeup artist and costume designer are responsible for ensuring that the actors look their best on camera. This involves selecting the right makeup and clothing for each actor, as well as ensuring that everything looks consistent throughout the shoot.


So, who generally makes commercials? As we’ve seen, it’s a team effort that involves a variety of professionals working together to create an ad that effectively promotes a product or service. From the creative team to the production team to the other roles involved, commercial production is a complex and intricate process that requires a great deal of skill and coordination. The next time you see a commercial, take a moment to appreciate the hard work and creativity that went into bringing it to life.

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