Who Makes Commercials

Who Makes Commercials

Commercials are a powerful tool for businesses to promote their products or services to the public. They are created by a team of creative professionals who work together to develop a compelling message that will resonate with audiences. In this article, we will explore who makes commercials and the different roles involved in the creative process.

The Creative Team

The creative team is the group responsible for developing the concept, story, and visuals of the commercial. It includes the creative director, copywriter, art director, and graphic designer.

  • Creative Director: The creative director is the leader of the creative team. They oversee the entire creative process and ensure that the final product meets the client’s objectives. They are responsible for developing the overall concept and story of the commercial.
  • Copywriter: The copywriter is responsible for creating the script for the commercial. They write the words that the actors or voiceover artists will speak. They work closely with the creative director to ensure that the script aligns with the overall concept of the commercial.
  • Art Director: The art director is responsible for developing the visual elements of the commercial. They create the storyboards and select the images and graphics that will be used in the commercial. They work closely with the copywriter to ensure that the visuals align with the script.
  • Graphic Designer: The graphic designer creates the visual elements of the commercial. They design the logos, typography, and other graphic elements that will be used in the commercial.

The Production Team

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The production team is responsible for bringing the commercial to life. They handle the technical aspects of filming, editing, and adding special effects to the commercial. The production team includes the producer, director, cinematographer, and editor.

  • Producer: The producer is responsible for managing the budget and logistics of the commercial. They hire the crew, secure locations, and coordinate the production schedule.
  • Director: The director is responsible for bringing the creative vision to life. They work closely with the creative team to ensure that the commercial aligns with the overall concept. They direct the actors and crew during filming.
  • Cinematographer: The cinematographer is responsible for capturing the visual elements of the commercial. They select the camera angles, lighting, and other technical aspects of filming.
  • Editor: The editor is responsible for assembling the footage into a cohesive final product. They cut and splice the footage, add sound effects and music, and create the final version of the commercial.

The Advertising Agency

The advertising agency is the liaison between the client and the creative and production teams. They are responsible for managing the project from start to finish and ensuring that the client’s objectives are met. The advertising agency includes the account executive, account planner, and media planner.

  • Account Executive: The account executive is the main point of contact between the advertising agency and the client. They manage the client’s expectations and ensure that the project stays on track.
  • Account Planner: The account planner is responsible for researching the target audience and developing the strategy for the commercial. They work closely with the creative team to ensure that the message resonates with the target audience.
  • Media Planner: The media planner is responsible for determining the best channels to promote the commercial. They determine which TV stations, websites, and social media platforms will reach the target audience.
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Creating a commercial is a collaborative effort that involves multiple roles and responsibilities. The creative and production teams work together to develop and produce the commercial, while the advertising agency manages the project from start to finish. Each role is critical to the success of the commercial and requires a unique set of skills and talents.


Q: Can anyone make a commercial?
A: Anyone can make a commercial, but it requires a team of professionals to create a high-quality commercial that will resonate with audiences.

Q: How much does it cost to make a commercial?
A: The cost of making a commercial can vary depending on the scope of the project, the creative team’s experience, and the production team’s resources. It can range from a few thousand dollars to millions of dollars.

Q: How long does it take to make a commercial?
A: The timeline for making a commercial can vary depending on the complexity of the project. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months to complete.

Q: What is the most important part of a commercial?
A: The most important part of a commercial is the message. It should be clear, concise, and resonate with the target audience.

Q: Can commercials be made without an advertising agency?
A: Yes, commercials can be made without an advertising agency, but it requires a team of professionals to create a high-quality commercial that will resonate with audiences. The advertising agency provides a valuable service by managing the project from start to finish and ensuring that the client’s objectives are met.

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