Who Makes Cents

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Who Makes Cents?

When we think about money, we often picture coins and dollar bills. But who actually makes those coins and prints those bills? Who decides how much they’re worth and how they should look? Who makes cents, both literally and figuratively?

In this article, we’ll explore the various entities involved in the creation and regulation of money, as well as the history and significance of currency.

The United States Mint

Let’s start with the physical production of coins. In the United States, that task falls to the United States Mint, a bureau of the Department of the Treasury. The Mint has several facilities across the country, each with its own specific duties.

For example, the Philadelphia Mint is responsible for producing all of the country’s bullion coins (such as the Gold and Silver Eagles) and commemorative coins (such as those honoring national parks and historical figures). The Denver Mint primarily produces circulating coins, such as pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

The Mint also designs the coins it produces, with input from various stakeholders such as Congress and the public. The designs often feature prominent figures or symbols from American history, such as George Washington on the quarter and the bald eagle on the dollar.

The Bureau of Engraving and Printing

On the other side of the coin (pun intended), we have the printing of paper money. That responsibility falls to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, also part of the Department of the Treasury.

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The BEP has two facilities, one in Washington, D.C. and one in Fort Worth, Texas. Together, they produce billions of dollars’ worth of currency each year.

Like the Mint, the BEP designs the bills it produces. The designs often feature historical figures or landmarks, such as Abraham Lincoln on the five-dollar bill and the Statue of Liberty on the ten-dollar bill.

The Federal Reserve

Now that we know who makes the physical money, let’s talk about who decides how much it’s worth and how much of it exists. That role falls to the Federal Reserve, often referred to simply as "the Fed."

The Fed is the central bank of the United States, meaning it’s responsible for regulating the country’s monetary policy. Among other things, this includes setting interest rates and controlling the money supply.

In order to control the money supply, the Fed uses various tools such as buying and selling government securities and adjusting the reserve requirements for banks. These actions can affect the amount of money in circulation and therefore its value.

The History of Currency

Of course, the concept of money and currency extends far beyond the United States and even beyond physical coins and bills. The history of currency is a long and fascinating one, spanning thousands of years and countless civilizations.

Some of the earliest forms of money were simply objects with inherent value, such as shells or beads. Later, metals such as gold and silver became popular as a more standardized form of currency.

Paper money first emerged in China during the Tang Dynasty, around the seventh century. It took a while for the concept to catch on in the rest of the world, however; paper money wasn’t used in Europe until the 17th century.

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Today, we have a variety of forms of currency beyond physical coins and bills. Credit cards, digital wallets, and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin all represent new ways of exchanging value.


So who makes cents? The answer is more complex than it might seem at first. Coins and bills are physically produced by the United States Mint and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, but their value is determined by a much larger system of monetary policy and regulation overseen by the Federal Reserve.

The history of currency is a long and fascinating one, with many twists and turns along the way. As technology continues to evolve, who knows what the future of money might look like?


1. Who decides what’s on coins and bills?
The designs for coins and bills are typically chosen by the Mint and the BEP, with input from various stakeholders such as Congress and the public.

2. How is the value of money determined?
The value of money is largely determined by a country’s monetary policy, which is overseen by its central bank (in the case of the United States, the Federal Reserve).

3. What’s the difference between bullion coins and circulating coins?
Bullion coins are typically made of precious metals and are sold to investors as a way to invest in those metals. Circulating coins, on the other hand, are the coins we use in everyday transactions.

4. Why did paper money take so long to catch on?
Paper money was initially met with skepticism and resistance in Europe, where coins had long been the dominant form of currency. It took several centuries for paper money to become widely accepted.

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5. What’s the future of currency?
As technology continues to evolve, it’s likely that we’ll see more and more forms of digital currency emerge. Some experts predict that cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin could eventually replace traditional forms of currency entirely.

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