Growing Up: How To Be A Disciple Who Makes Disciples

In a world filled with distractions and competing ideologies, the call to be a disciple who makes disciples is a challenging yet rewarding task. Discipleship is not just about personal spiritual growth, but about helping others grow in their faith as well. In this article, we will explore the process of discipleship, the qualities of a disciple-maker, and the steps to become one.

Understanding the Process of Discipleship

Personal Growth

The first step in the process of discipleship is personal growth. As a disciple, your primary goal is to deepen your relationship with God and grow in your understanding of His Word. This growth equips you with the knowledge, wisdom, and maturity needed to guide others in their faith journey.

Empowering Others

As you continue to grow, the next step is to empower others to become disciples. This involves teaching, mentoring, and supporting them as they grow in their faith. The ultimate goal is to help them become disciple-makers themselves, continuing the cycle of spiritual growth and multiplication.

The Qualities of a Disciple-Maker


Disciple-makers must be humble, recognizing that they are not the source of wisdom, but merely a conduit for God’s truth. This humility enables them to listen and learn from others, remaining open to correction and growth.

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Integrity is essential for a disciple-maker. Your actions must align with your words, demonstrating the principles you teach. By living a life of integrity, you will gain the trust and respect of those you disciple.


A teachable spirit is crucial for a disciple-maker. You must be willing to learn from others, including your own disciples. This willingness to learn and grow will encourage your disciples to do the same.


Disciple-making requires commitment, both to your personal growth and to the growth of others. This means investing time and effort in building relationships, studying the Word, and seeking God’s guidance.

Steps to Becoming a Disciple-Maker

Strengthen Your Relationship with God

To be an effective disciple-maker, you must prioritize your relationship with God. Cultivate a strong prayer life, engage in regular Bible study, and participate in a community of believers to grow spiritually.

Learn from the Right Sources

Seek out reputable sources of teaching and mentorship. This may include pastors, theologians, authors, and other leaders who share your commitment to discipleship.

Practice What You Preach

As a disciple-maker, your life should be a living example of the principles you teach. Ensure that your actions align with your words, demonstrating your faith and commitment to God

Find a Mentor

Seek out a mentor who can provide guidance, support, and accountability in your journey as a disciple-maker. This mentor should be someone who has experience in making disciples and can offer valuable insights and encouragement.

Make Disciples

Finally, put your knowledge and experience into action by intentionally investing in the lives of others. Look for opportunities to share your faith, mentor others, and create a supportive environment where people can grow in their relationship with God.

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Becoming a disciple who makes disciples is a challenging but deeply rewarding journey. By focusing on personal growth, embodying the qualities of a disciple-maker, and following the steps outlined above, you can fulfill this important calling. Remember that the ultimate goal is not only to grow in your faith, but to empower others to do the same, creating a ripple effect that extends God’s kingdom.


What is the primary goal of a disciple?

The primary goal of a disciple is to grow in their relationship with God and deepen their understanding of His Word. This growth equips them with the knowledge, wisdom, and maturity needed to guide others in their faith journey.

What qualities should a disciple-maker possess?

A disciple-maker should have humility, integrity, teachability, and commitment. These qualities are essential for effectively guiding others in their faith journey and modeling a Christ-centered life.

How can I strengthen my relationship with God?

To strengthen your relationship with God, cultivate a strong prayer life, engage in regular Bible study, and participate in a community of believers to grow spiritually.

Why is it important to find a mentor in the disciple-making process?

A mentor can provide guidance, support, and accountability in your journey as a disciple-maker. They can offer valuable insights and encouragement, helping you grow in your faith and effectively disciple others.

How can I start making disciples?

To start making disciples, intentionally invest in the lives of others. Look for opportunities to share your faith, mentor others, and create a supportive environment where people can grow in their relationship with God.

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